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(2 edits)

Hello, I have used your Blue Witch in my game, Firebones


Many thanks (*^_^*)

So beautiful! The animations really feel alive, amazing stuff :D

hey i just want to say that i have used your asset in my game

feel free to check it out !

insane pack!


Hi there! I wanted to let you know that I have used some of these assets in my upcoming project. I've made sure to list you in the credits, and I very much appreciate you kindly giving your assets to the community.

Play along, if you'd like:

Really good...

I will use this in my project and I also start a new enemy series. 

I plan to use it on the upcoming videos. Check it if you are intereseted!!!


Im going to make the most baller demo


hey! came to say i published a game with your art as the main character!

(3 edits)

Your witches-pack is a very good game asset, I use the blue witch as the main character in my game ‘Willow: The Little Witch’ and Also, I support it by purchasing other characters. Hope to see more good work like this.

Your free blue witch has helped me get my first step into Aseprite. Thank you thank you thank you!! (Also, these are absolutely adorable!!) 

I don't have a use for these but I just wanted to say these are so adorable!!!!


I really love these, but there are a few issues. Blue witch death animation are not equally spaced apart and cannot be split. All of these have issues where the height and width of an animation can change between animations and animations are not always centered. 

This characters are amazing. I am using red wizard for now in order to learn making games. Only thing I can wish more is that if they had a jump animation

Great work! Very inspiring work for all those beginning developers :D!
I made a small game using those assets to train my coding skills


Amazing work! Are the white witch and red witch still available? I only see the "blue" available for download


The two other witches are unlocked when you pay $3 USD or more.

These are exceptional!

I'm not gonna use this for a game, but they are great

Really really thank you.

can i use the for commercial projects ?

hola xd ablas españo

Hi, sorry i use translate google,

What size are the sprites? From the foot to the hat?

These are epic


Hey.. I love the assets i even made a game with it..Thanks :)

(1 edit)

I dm'd you on twitter - would love to collab or commision something. these are beautiful :) 

(1 edit) (+1)

It's cute and I will use it in my game.By the way,I used some of [Attack animation] frames to making Jump&Fall animation.But the Blue witch [Run animation] just like flying,would there be a broom added in the future?Witch ride broom in many stories.And i'm sorry my English is poor.

Pls, we need jump animations :0


Blue Witch [Death animation] - incorrect frames from 6 frame

All Witches have some problem with Idle frames (last frame)

Hello! What do you mean by "incorrect"? What "problem" do they have with idle frames? Please describe everything specifically, you can email me if it is more convenient for you.


It's true. In my case, I'm trying to split the spritesheet in UNITY, but some of the frames are out of sprite-cell. Which means the animations will look odd.

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ About jump animation, can't promise anything, sorry.

Deleted 2 years ago

Can I Use This In RPG Maker MV ?

I think, yes. You can download a free Blue Witch and have a try. :3

Thank's !

I Can't Use This For RPG Maker Mv , I'll Try To Use It In Godot ...


Can you please make a jump animation? This asset pack is absolutely gorgeous.

how can i use this in unity? :(


This should help

thank you!!

I can´t download the other witches,just the blue(sorry for any error,i don´t speak english)

Hello, for free you can get only blue witch, all others you will get if you pay a certain amount. If you have paid and didn't get full pack, then write me here

Oh,my bad,sorry.I pick it for free,anyway,thanks for the pack,the art is amazing,a good job for you


Nice witches!!!


Thanks! :3


I loved this SO MUCH, that even that the pack is free atm, i had to pay a symbolical price to at least got you a coffee, i'm really in love with those little cute witches, thank you


i just realize that if a had paid 1.95 for the pack i would got all the 3 witches, but ok, i pay again to support you, keep making cool stuff <3

Thank you soooo much for your support! I'll get my self a burger (●´ω`●)

this pack is gorgeous! i love all three witches!!

X3 Thank you from all the witches! (^▽^)

hey! wanted to let you know that I've published the first version of my game with your witches, in case you wanted to see your sprites in action :) I haven't utilized them all yet, but I'm excited to do so!


Thank you! I enjoyed it, will be looking forward on your progress with these project (👍≖‿‿≖)👍 👍(≖‿‿≖👍)

You have a pretty cute art style :)

Thank you! ♡(。- ω -)

Wow, these are well done and very cute! :)

Thank you! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

can you make soon a fighter characters like soldiers :) by the way godbless you for this free pack and i'm gonna use it on my proj game :)

Thank you! ♡( ◡‿◡ ) I'm happy, that you find use of my witches. May be in the future I will make a soldiers pack, but not in the near future.

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